Quintrex F440 Explorer Trophy

Quintrex at Hunts Marine. We're flexible on price. Not on service. Enquire now for the lowest price GUARANTEED! Give us a shot. It's easy and obligation free. All Hunts Marine Quintrex packages will also come with our exclusive 6 year Yamaha engine warranty.

Quick and easy finance available and trade-ins always welcome. We won't be beaten on price, service and quality. Buy from Australia's largest Quintrex retailer and save big $$$ when you take advantage of our 3 store buying power **

The largest in the Explorer range, the 440 Explorer Trophy is the newest edition to the family. Rated to 60hp it has more than enough get up and go for whatever the day may bring. Available in tiller or side console versions. You can choose market leading Yamaha 4 stroke power for your new Quintrex at any of our 3 stores.

CLICK HERE for the F440 Explorer Trophy Specifications and Options

Brand: Quintrex
People rating: 4
Hull length (metres): 4.55
Width (metres): 2.05
Maximum HP: 60
Click below for further details, photos, options and colours